Friday, May 24, 2013

TJX Core Equity Short

I'll be looking for any strength in TJX to fill out the core equity short position, but it is not one of the better looking bounce candidates.

If you are interested in TJX, I would have no problem opening a partial position (short) right here, just make sure to leave room to add to it and a wide stop, which means fewer shares. We don't average down as a way to get out of bad positions, we average positions because we like what we see and want exposure, but think there's still a chance to add at a better price, the main difference being is that phasing in is planned in your risk management before you take on the first share whereas dollar cost averaging is throwing good money after bad in an attempt to reduce the overall cost basis to get out of a losing trade. These are winning-good looking trades that we are just leaving room because of market volatility.

I'd be comfortable adding up to half here as a new position as a full size position.

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