Friday, August 3, 2012

FB Short Term Trade From Yesterday

FB as a short term trade idea from yesterday as well as it being a longer term basing/long trade idea, thus far is working out pretty well, up over 4.5% today.

It looks like FB will consolidate in this area, I'm wondering if that is the extent (a consolidation) or if FB will return lower to continue what appears to be building a base for a bigger move up.

 Volume for a short term trade up today looks good, yesterday was like mini-capitulation on this 1 min chart (anyone taking calls out probably did pretty well this morning), but you can see what looks like a triangle starting to form in FB. I wouldn't mind so much if FB pulled back from today's short term pop, so long as the positive divergences keep building.

The 1 min chart shows the positive divergence at yesterday's lows and has an even bigger positive divergence trend, however the VERY recent activity as we approached noon time in 3C looks a little volatile.

I'll keep an eye on it, if anyone is trading FB on a short term basis with options or just long and needs updates, email me.

Right now I'm more and more interested in VXX or UVXY long.

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