Monday, December 10, 2012

FB Update

First I'm going to show you some of the long term charts for FB because FB has been considered a longer term trade since day 1 when we expected it to form a base. I'll also show you some of the closer action.

 Daily 3C chart in leading positive position, this is a really strong chart, I really love the look and like FB a lot as a longer term long position.

 Money Stream is confirming 3c's daily chart as well.

 FB made a nice break from this base, but it seems to be consolidating those gains. If this were a brand new position for me I would consider entering 50% of a full size position and add to it on a pullback. The probabilities are much stronger for a long term move up than a pullback, but there are strong probabilities for a pullback and both can happen.

 The 5 min chart looks as if FB wants to pullback or consolidate in the area more, I'd guess pullback.

 We also see this on other timeframes like this 10 min and more so I think there's a good chance of a pullback after that extended run, that's where I want to add the second half of the trade, at least entering half now I have exposure to FB which I love long term any way.

This hourly chart shows where FB is a little deficient and that chart should be seeing 3C up higher, it may take a pullback for that to happen.

If I already own FB, I hold here, you can trade around it if you like, but I like the idea of just giving it time and letting it do its thing.

Overall, I like this one a lot.

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