Thursday, April 11, 2013

Market Update-It's almost that Time-3:30

The very predictable 3:30 ramp, I've looked at the averages and found two that might be getting ready to try it, they tried yesterday and failed. However even if they can pull it off, it's nothing more than skin deep and I'll show you why.

I'm also trying to finish the IOC post as well as look at about 100 other things.

The SPY Arbitrage model is not positive, but it is less negative than it was.

 SPY 1 min intraday movement on this timeframe, also the weakest divergences, but the first to show new ones. There's a positive in place on the 1 min chart.

 Go to the next timeframe at 2 min which still isn't that strong and 3C is leading negative, no signs of the divergence at all, 3C making lower lows and new leading negative lows.

 SPY 3 min obviously needs no drawings, this is why even if there was a ramp, it's skin deep. Lots of damage done yesterday and today.

 2 min relative positive, the weakest kind of divergence and within a leading negative (strongest kind), but these are intraday charts for predicting intraday movement.

The next time frame in the IWM, 3 min, obviously needs no annotation, clearly leading negative with no migration of the divergence. And the next chart goes on and the next goes on as above with the SPY.

I haven't seen where VWAP is, I'll try to check and like we saw in volatility yesterday, Treasuries are doing the same thing and refusing to be pushed lower with positive divergences (Flight to safety). There are a lot of charts I want to show you today, just not much time.

In any case, I'm not saying a 3:30 ramp is probable, we just know it is habitual.

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