Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Multiple Trades (7) P/L Closed Today

Some fills were for small losses, some were nearly a double, but I felt today was the best time to take these trades off to maximize gains and minimize losses. We entered several new trades today and will be looking to add more trades as long as we get the 3C confirmation and have a high probability trade with low risk and good timing.

In no particular order...

We closed this one earlier in the day due to good momentum and the fact time decay was going to start chewing this May 3rd Put up, at the fill of $1.60 this position made +42%

At the fill of $3.35 this position made +59.5% 

At the fill of $2.49 this position made +36.8%

At the fill of $2.40 this position made +86%

At the fill of $11.45 this position lost -7.2%

This NFLX short made a bit less than +1%

At the fill of $39.51 this position made +1.4%

At the approximate fill of 6.77 this position made +7.2%

By the end of the day, our Options Tracking Portfolio was doing very well with a nearly 25% gain on the week and a nearly 34% gain on the rolling month. Last week's rank was even better (but this week isn't over) with a +57% weekly Return and an +82% monthly return.

Weekly Position Rank

Monthly Position Rank

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