Friday, February 17, 2012

I said Next Week Would Be Interesting, but this...

One of our member has connections to Greece and there are rumors swirling around that there may be a military coup. I checked the news and there are press reports of fear of coup

While these are rumors for now, lets not forget unemployment among people under 25 ( I believe) is at 50%. The police union released a letter last week threatening IMF Troika members with arrest for trying to destabilize a democracy. The leader-Papademos is an un-elected technocrat from the EU/Goldman Sachs who was put in place as an EU puppet.

I don't want to spread hyperbole, but anything is possible at this point, there's not a lot of historical precedent for a country being stripped of its sovereignty for the first time using finance rather then bullets.

The anti-German and EU rhetoric has been very high with swastikas and the burning of both flags as a regular occurrence.

Whether this has any truth or reality, the likely default next week is enough to make next week a pivotal point and probably the most important week since the EU debt crisis erupted.

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