Friday, February 21, 2014

Quick Update

As was laid out yesterday morning at 10:30 about the SPX possibly making a run above the clear resistance zone right in the area (I'd do it), and as I said in a recent post it's like "Free Change on the ground", there may be some signs of that. First of all the Op-Ex Max Pain pin is usually removed around 2 p.m. as most contracts are wrapped up by then.

Secondly, on an intraday basis I see some rotation out of treasuries, TLT to be exact, this is on an intraday scale, but for HFT's and fast traders, that rotation may be in to SPY for such a move, as long as they have the speed to get in and out.

I can't be sure about this, it was what I thought to be a probable scenario yesterday morning and seeing rotation out of a safe haven asset (but in small quantity) like TLT, means it's likely going to a risk asset like SPY since it's so close to buy limits.

It's something to keep in mind, especially if you are interested in a trade like AAPL long, this would likely be the best timing/entry on a trade like AAPL long if you were inclined to take the trade.

More as it develops.

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